Monthly Archives: March 2021

An Inner-Spring


An inner-spring is arriving: a rebirth of beauty, an experience of knowing our true nature from this grace-filled place. Can you feel it moving in your nervous system and heart? My sense is that this abundant beauty lives within us all the time, but the spring season helps it arrive more viscerally.

This spring feels different as we enter the second year of Covid-19 lock-down.  It feels like the “pause” time is birthing something new–a gestation. A new way, a new sensitivity, a new relating, a new me, a new you, a new us. If together, we discover a spiritual beauty that stays with, that befriends, that understands, and “stands under” that which is challenging to presence within ourselves, we become  containers of bold sensitivity, ushering in new possibilities.

These possibilities help to stabilize the emerging inner-spring that sees and keeps track of exiled trauma pain with heart-eyes  of compassion. The simple recognition that there is nothing to fix, and that our willingness to be in relationship with discomfort is love, and the most effective of trauma remedies. A better future calls us home to our “now”; a future of spiritual embodiment where good, kind, whole and connected become the norm. It will take groups of like-minded/hearted people to land the beauty of our inner-spring. Just two letters rearranged, and we move from “scared” (in) isolation to “sacred” connection. In that vital relational movement to see and feel, the world becomes a brighter more friendly place because we are in relationship.

We touch life and each other differently when trauma has been befriended. Experiencing ourselves and others more authentically reveals the beauty of our Soul. Tibetan Buddhists long ago foresaw the arrival of Warriors of Compassion and Discernment. However fragmented our inner and outer worlds may seem, we walk this evolutionary journey together. As we begin enjoying the beauty of Spring 2021, I wish you the blessings of befriending the challenging places and feeling the warmth of connection.