Sound Healing

Group & Private Sound Healing Sessions

By Keira Madsen at

There is a Sound that lingers within the depths of Silence, the mere expression of which is healing to the Soul.

Attuned sound is like a bridge between worlds.

Sound is the first sense we develop in utero and the last sense we lose as we die. Like the swaying motion of a mother rocking her child in her arms, sounds are the most gentle way to touch the dark crevices of our Soul wounding. They touch with exquisite sensitivity and no expectation. The nervous system responds with spaciousness, often causing profound relaxation— and most often a deep sleep. Deep restoration is happening in these sleeps that it is difficult to track mentally. Although, images and intuitions may appear.

Vowel Sounds
The vowel sounds used in the sessions are from Joseph Rael of the Ute Tewa tradition- (from Healing Sounds by Jonathan Goldman). Vowel sounds are an international language for the human nervous system. With subtle sensitivity and no expectation, vowel sounds also touch the timeless dimension of the soul. 
  1. Individual Vowels – (Ah —washing, cleansing, purifying, Eh—relativity (relationship to all things), Eee—clarity (to receive divine intelligence), Oh—innocence and curiosity, Ooo—that which is lifting us (God presence).
  2. Joseph Rael dreamt about these 5 vibrations & sound chambers placed throughout the world. I find these sound resonances to be a simple direct way to make contact and allow space for deeper life attunement. They each have an energy of their own and I listen for them in the silent spaces during the sound healing. They are subtle, but powerful.
Private Sessions:
1. Sessions are about 20 minutes  (they can be recorded and sent through email or done “in-person” on zoom).
2. Sounds are made together at times.
3. Information is given where appropriate and/or helpful.
4. Periods of Silence during the session allow for deeper integration.
5. All sessions are recorded for later listening and are often ideal prior to meditation.
* Private Sound Healing Sessions are Cdn.$60 each, 3 for $120, or 5 for $160 (payable on E-transfer)
Please text or call 604-222-4111 for appt.*

Group Sound Sculpture

Sound sculptures are an integral part of the Inner Constellation Mobile (ICM) Follow-up groups. They both ground and amplify the healing-movement of the ICM. A group sound sculpture is created through directly focusing on one person while voicing specific vowel sounds. These are 5 to 10 minutes in length and very relaxing to the nervous system.

The silence in your action is a very deep sign of cosmic coherence,
and in the Temple –when you sit in the Temple as the Temple –
there is a cosmic symphony that is everywhere. 
( Thomas Hübl)

Sound Healing Testimonials (from individual & group sessions)

I felt an immediate little jolt in my heart and spreading warmth across the back of my shoulder blades. It was soft, gentle and so, so tender, like that feeling when you hold a newborn–so pure … I felt both cared for and that I care for … all the purity that’s in the world.   I felt slowed down and grounded. It was very maternal, nurturing, easy, and natural. (J.L.)

I felt very blessed to receive the group Sound Healing. It was an affirming and nourishing experience. I felt very cared for. When I remember the experience now it still impacts me with new insights. I had no idea it would be so powerful. (S.J.)

(The sound healing was) very soothing to the nervous system and hits both the uncertain tenor of the times and its gravitas as well as notes that uplift and bring in light and hope (D.S.)

My sound healing with Laura brought me a deep sense of peace and clarity. Through the resonance of her voice I regained confidence in my connection to wisdom and in the safety of living. (C.T.)

Laura has an ability to “tune in” with so much information/insight that I’m happy she records our sessions for later listening. Thanks so much Laura for sharing your gift. (M.W.)

Very quickly I felt deeply meditative. I felt a calling home, a coming home. Laura is highly collaborative and responsive, moment by moment – like a sound dancer of sorts. (B.S.)

During the session, I  felt my body being moved by the sounds… as if the sounds were moving me.  Then somewhere I merged with the sound: tears warm flowing down. The energy is reverberating from inside me. I slept really well that night and woke up feeling good and energetic the next day … What I was the most aware of was how quiet my thoughts were. I have more space in me.  I sense the space around other people. (I.F)

This is touching me very, very deeply 🙏🏼 (B.M.)

Ahhh ~ Listening, I felt fused to deep regenerative energy of Earth….Her voice speaks, intones, and is deeply woven into inner constellation. (B.E.)

I recently listened to the audio and found it perfect to meditate.  Yes…you do have a beautiful voice and I am very sensitive to sound… But more importantly, I feel it talks to me…that those sounds are close to who I am. (D.V.)